Fwd: Should Save As prompt for a page title?

A question from the Mozilla editor list.

>To: mozilla-editor@mozilla.org
>From: Charley Manske <cmanske@netscape.com>
>Subject: Should Save As prompt for a page title?
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 13:43:56 -0800

>This was discussed in the context lots of other save file issues, so I
>want to ask this again.
>The existing title is shown in the edit field, so if you don't want to
>change it, just click Ok or hit Enter.
>Kathy Brade, myself, and others support doing this to encourage people
>to make unique page titles when they are saving a file under a different
>Simon Fraser thinks it's annoying.
>Any other votes?

Someone else's possible solution:
>For most of our users, they do not see the value in a page title.  To them, the
>page title is the file name.  Maybe we should default the page title to be the
>file name initially?
>As they become more and more familiar with web document creation and html editing,
>they might have a need to put a valid title.  For the advanced users, they simply
>go to page properties.
>Thanks, Bij

Any thoughts?

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                   http://www.kynn.com/
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Received on Wednesday, 10 November 1999 18:35:18 UTC