Re: comprehensive list of authoring tools?


thanks for these.

I have excluded plain-text editors such as vi, and general purpose tools such
as sed. I have drawn a slightly arbitrary line - since emacs has both an
html mode with hotkeys for including various html commands, and a browsing
mode (w3 - very popular amongst blind users, for example) for review, should
it be included?

Do you have URIs for the asWedit and CoffeeCup?



On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, ADAM GUASCH-MELENDEZ wrote:

  Those of us using some variant of Unix have a very different toolset,
  usually based on general-purpose text editors and scripting languages.
  vi, emacs, perl, sed, etc.
  Looking at specialized, not general-purpose, tools, I use Webmaker (part
  of the KDE environment) for HTML, and weblint and tidy to catch my
  mistakes. Gimp for image editing and cvs for version control round it out
  A couple of other Unix HTML options:
  Adam Guasch-Melendez
  >>> Charles McCathieNevile <> 08/23 2:54 PM >>>
  This is a long way from comprehensive, and only tries to cover tools which
  are currently developed, so notables like AOLpress weren't listed. I would be
  interested in a better list too, so if anyone wnats to add their favourite
  (or leaast favourite, or any othe kind of) tool, I'll try to collate them.

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Monday, 23 August 1999 17:55:55 UTC