- From: B.K. DeLong <bkdelong@naw.org>
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:58:33 -0500
- To: w3c-wai-au@w3.org
Chuck Opperman asked for my input and here's how I responded....my understanding of the AU guidelines may be a little shaky...please correct me if I'm wrong: Here's an idea. The current Authoring Tool guidelines state that an Authoring Tool should not insert default text into the ALT attribute but should insert a null string by default. How about having FrontPage prompt the user to enter ALT attribute text with a dialog box and have the dialog box give them radio button options of 1) keeping it blank, 2) Inserting the Filename of the graphic without the extension, (ie if it's search.gif insert Search), or 3) Insert new text and have an input box for them to input the text. This gets around the problem of not adding a default as per the AU guidelines but guarentees all images will have ALT attributes. -- B.K. DeLong 360 Huntington Ave. Director Suite 140CSC-305 New England Chapter Boston, MA 02115 World Organization (617) 247-3753 of Webmasters http://www.world-webmasters.org bkdelong@naw.org
Received on Tuesday, 26 January 1999 13:59:28 UTC