Proposed changes to structure

I propose some changes to the ordering of the document, and some changes
to the current structure. The following is a suggested gathering of
guidelines, which are not yet rated by priority, although I think that
should also be done. I have noted most subsections with their position in
the old document - those not noted are unchanged.

* 1 Introduction
  + 1.1 Guideline Priorities
* 2 Ensure content generated is accessible
  + 2.1 Generate standard markup
  + 2.2 Support all accessible content recommendations
  + 2.3 Identify all inaccessible markup [was 2.5]
  + 2.4 Provide mechanisms for authors to add missing alternative
    representations for the content of converted documents [was 2.6]
  + 2.5 Provide comprehensive accessibility help to authors [was 3.1]
  + 2.6 Package multimedia files with pre-written descriptions [was 3.3]
  + 2.7 Integrate accessibility solutions into relevant automated tools and 
    wizards [was 4.1]
  + 2.8 Allow the user to check for and correct accessibility problems 
    automatically [was 4.2]
  + 2.9 Ensure that all markup inserted by the authoring tool is accessible 
    [was 4.3]
  + 2.10 Ensure that conversion tools produce and retain accessible markup 
    and content [was 4.4]
  + 2.11 Offer text representations of site maps [was 5.3]
  + 2.12 Emphasize accessible authoring practices [was 2.4]
* 3 Provide an accessible User Interface
  + 3.1 Integrate accessibility solutions naturally [was 2.8]
  + 3.2 Ensure that users may configure accessibility mechanisms [was 2.3]
  + 3.3 Where relevant implement guidelines for accessible interfaces 
    [new, covers section 5.1. See]
  + 3.3 Offer text representations of elements [was 5.2]
* 4 Sample Implementations [was section 7]
  + 4.1 Alt-Text for the HTML 4.0 IMG Element
  + 4.2 Tool: "Alt"-text registry
* 5 Promote Accessibility
  + 5.1 Provide rationales that stress Universal Design [was 3.2]
  + 5.2 Promote accessibility in all Help examples [was 3.4]
  + 5.3 Provide the author with progress feedback [was 3.5]
* 6 Terms and definitions
  (includes all terms from section 8, and 6.1, 6.2 - definitions of
prompts and alerts
* 7 Acknowledgements
* 8 References

I have left out sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 which are essentially
rationales, and should be integrated with the appropriate guidelines or
techniques. I have left out 2.7, since it is covered by the declaration of
the scope.

Table of Contents

     * 1 Introduction
          + 1.1 Guideline Priorities
     * 2 Integrate Accessibility Awareness
          + 2.1 Generate standard markup [Priority 1]
          + 2.2 Support all accessible content recommendations
            [Priority 1]
          + 2.3 Ensure that users may configure accessibility mechanisms
            [Priority 1]
          + 2.4 Emphasize accessible authoring practices [Priority 1]
          + 2.5 Identify all inaccessible markup [Priority 1]
          + 2.6 Provide mechanisms for authors to add missing alternative
            representations for the content of converted documents
            [Priority 1]
          + 2.7 Promote accessibility awareness in tool suites
            [Priority 2]
          + 2.8 Integrate accessibility solutions naturally [Priority 2]
     * 3 Provide Accessibility Information
          + 3.1 Provide comprehensive accessibility help to authors
            [Priority 1]
          + 3.2 Provide rationales that stress Universal Design
            [Priority 1]
          + 3.3 Package multimedia files with pre-written descriptions
            [Priority 2]
          + 3.4 Promote accessibility in all Help examples [Priority 3]
          + 3.5 Provide the author with progress feedback [Priority 3]
     * 4 Automate Accessibility Tasks
          + 4.1 Integrate accessibility solutions into relevant automated
            tools and wizards [Priority 1]
          + 4.2 Allow the user to check for and correct accessibility
            problems automatically [Priority 1]
          + 4.3 Ensure that all markup inserted by the authoring tool is
            accessible [Priority 1]
          + 4.4 Ensure that conversion tools produce and retain
            accessible markup and content [Priority 1]
     * 5 Ensure an Accessible Authoring Environment
          + 5.1 Provide optional views of the edited document
          + 5.2 Offer text representations of elements
          + 5.3 Offer text representations of site maps
     * 6 Accessible Authoring Support Mechanisms
          + 6.1 Integrated Author Guidance and Prompting
          + 6.2 Alert Techniques
          + 6.3 Automated Tools and Wizards
          + 6.4 Integrated Checking, Verification and Repair Mechanisms
          + 6.5 Context Sensitive Help and Documentation
     * 7 Sample Implementations
          + 7.1 Alt-Text for the HTML 4.0 IMG Element
          + 7.2 Tool: "Alt"-text registry
     * 8 Terms and Definitions
          + 8.1 Markup Editing Tools and Functions
          + 8.2 Documents, Elements, and Attributes
          + 8.3 Accessibility Terms
          + 8.4 Alternative Representation of Content
          + 8.5 Inserting and Editing
          + 8.6 Alert Techniques
          + 8.7 Selection, Focus, and Events
     * 9 Acknowledgments
     * 10 References


Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Monday, 28 December 1998 16:42:06 UTC