Re: Required views

Ian wrote;

>I very much agree with your rationale, but your Guideline
>doesn't work for me.
>It seems as though there are two issues:
>1) Separation of views. The author may want to author under
>any of N views and the user may want to browse under any of M views.
>2) The user interface of the authoring tool should obey the UA
> and allow the user (in this case, the author) to control styles.
>If think 5.1 is meant to address point 1 specifically, as point 2
>is covered (or should be covered) more generally elsewhere. Perhaps
>we can strengthen the wording so that the Guideline reflects more
>clearly your rationale.

My addition:
Exactly, the addition to the norm that we are advocating is to allow the
author to have a view that is not necessarily reflective (however
imprecisely) of the final rendered view. The author may have requirements
that his/her reader doesn't have and my need to view the document in a
different format when editing it, than it is intended to be ultimately
displayed. We are not advocating a WYSIWYG view we are advocating the
flexibility to have a view that is completely unrelated to the WYSIWYG view.


Received on Tuesday, 8 December 1998 11:03:12 UTC