Re: AU Comments

Hello this is Mickey:

Shouldn't it be content instead of contents.  I.E.   Guidelines for
Development of Web Authoring Tools that generate
  accessible content.

Also, which section is this in.  I could be rong.

******* MQ *******

At 01:01 PM 11/6/98 +0100, you wrote:
>On Nov 4 draft, I already spoke on the call about structural changes.
>These are mostly wording.
>- Guidelines for Development of Web Authoring Tools that 
>  Support Accessibility  
>I'd like it to be changed in something that reflect the generation
>aspect, for Support is a vague term
>How about
>  Guidelines for Development of Web Authoring Tools that generate
>  accessible contents.
>(since document is too restrictive, as per Chuck and page as well,
>since we want to cover site tools)
>- In the definition of Authoring Tool 
>    ... to WYSIWYG editors that
>    allow markup to be produced from a browsing perspective. 
>I don't parse "browsing perspective"
>- definition of Generation Tool 
>    A Generation Tool is a program or script that produces automatic
>    markup "on the fly" following a template or set of rules. 
>Is this for server side generation ? If so, we should mention server
>generation tool.
>- 3.1.1 Support all accessibility features of relevant languages 
>I think our first guideline should be to Support the W3C standard
>correctly, which includes their accessibility features.
>As of today, HTML+CSS AU tools must generate correct HTML4 + CSS1.
>It's OK to point at specific accessibility features, but the wording
>should be clear about the importance of generating standard markup.
>- 3.2.2 Provide rationales that stress Universal Design [Priority 1]
>Should we add legislation matters into the picture ?
>I think so.
>- 3.2.4 Package multimedia files with pre-written descriptions 
>I would like to see clip-art in the wording, to make it clearer.
>- [Technique:] [Priority 1] 
>   Authoring tools should never remove or modify structure or content
>   that is necessary for accessibility. 
>make that a "must never remove..."

Received on Friday, 6 November 1998 14:06:55 UTC