Re: Idea for positive reinforcement checklist

Ian Jacobs wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I mentioned an idea for a kind of accessibility checklist
> that could be offered by the Tool to the Author. The checklist
> would present key topics of accessibility (identified by these
> guidelines) and indicate which ones the author had satisfied through
> some mechanism (e.g., a check mark). Those that were not yet satisfied
> would be unchecked. For those not yet satisfied, the Author
> could follow links to information about how to satisfy them.
[Various implementation details]

I like the idea but I think that for inclusion in the authoring tool
guidelines it should be abstracted somewhat.

For instance we might recommend that authoring tools present positive
reinforcement when any accessiblity issues are corrected.  We may
suggest that this positive reinforcement include mention of both the
satisfied and unsatisfied issues.  However, I think we should avoid
suggesting that the checklist be activated after editing. Tool makers
may find ways to present these issues within the ongoing editing

Jan Richards

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 1998 09:18:15 UTC