Conference Call on October 13

It looks like we have a quarum on the 13th. I will email the number to call
and some documents to review before the meeting as soon as I have them
(please review the draft guidelines document).


>I would like to schedule a general conference call for October 13 or 14 at
>3pm EST. Who can make it?
>The agenda is:
>1. The new draft of the guidelines. (Jan and Jutta)
>2. The authoring tool evaluation protocal. (Jutta, Jan, Laurie Harrison)
>3. Task groups.(Jutta)
>4. Developer Communication Task Group (B.K. DeLong)
>5. Tables (Harvey Bingham)
>6. Conversion Tools (Karen McCall)
>7. Face to face meeting planning
>8. Next Steps
>Please respond by October 7th.
>Thanks Jutta

Received on Tuesday, 6 October 1998 15:18:25 UTC