- From: Sandy Ressler <sressler@nist.gov>
- Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 12:57:34 -0400
- To: Jutta Treviranus <jutta.treviranus@utoronto.ca>
- Cc: w3c-wai-au@w3.org
First my apologies for being a non-participant in the list...BUT to busy *yada yada yada* Anyway would it be possible to add a section to address issues concerning the accessability of VRML (Virtual Reality MOdeling Languge) files. It could go under the "Other Recommendations" section. A draft recommendation could go as follows: VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) * Use of description field for Anchor nodes is manditory. * Provide utilities to ease the creation of WorldInfo nodes for the description of particularly important objects. * Provide utilities to ease the creation of Viewpoints. * Provide utilities to ease the association of Audio descriptions which are associated with particular objects and/or Viewpoints. --------------------------- Some of the work we have done to look at these issues can be seen at: http://ovrt.nist.gov/projects/VRMLaccess/ thanks...Sandy -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: Sandy Ressler TELE: (301) 975-3549 USMAIL: National Institute of Standards and Technology FAX: (301) 975-5287 Bldg. 225 Rm A216 EMAIL: sressler@nist.gov Gaithersburg, MD 20899 WEB: http://ovrt.nist.gov/people/sressler/sressler.html Open Virtual Reality Testbed: http://ovrt.nist.gov/
Received on Friday, 29 May 1998 12:44:42 UTC