
I've been testing iWrite, a rather nice HTML editor disguised as an
intranet authoring/maintenance tool.  Here's a pertinent excerpted

WL:: As to the *requirement* of HTML 4 that all <IMG> tags include an
ALT= attribute I would urge you to take immediate steps to put in a
prompt for the missing alt-text because this will keep us from having to
stick a pin in your doll.

iWrite:: "What about this: Include ALT text field in all insert image
dialog boxes and alert user ifdialog box is closed with an empty field.
Also, preset the value in the ALT text field to the image file name (I
guess you probably don't like this idea, but presumably most of our
users would be really annoyed with getting a warning unless they type
something in)."

WL:: "WL:: "alert user" is in fact a "warning" <g> and they will be no
more "annoyed" than when being informed of any other syntax error -
which this is!  It's a bit like in HotDog when you don't modify the
"type title here" before saving - your annoyance is with yourself ("Oh,
I forgot to put in ALT= so that people using text browsers will know
what's happening").  Presetting to file name is regularly debated in our
Working Group and although "logo.gif" is usually sufficiently
informative the real problem comes with "pic0198.jpg", etc.  Our usual
conclusion is that if the author isn't given the "opportunity" (come on,
it's not really a "burden" <g>) to do the "right thing", she will accept
the default text even if it's useless.  Love the "include ALT text field
insert image field in all dialog boxes...".  Hate the "preset value...".


Received on Monday, 25 May 1998 10:27:46 UTC