Re: ALT test balloon

I have discussed our proposal with Judy who seems quite positive and will
pass it by Daniel. The proposal is that we will publish one guideline in
great detail and take the guideline through the entire process: editing,
evaluation, adoption, advocacy, implimentation with target developers, and
evaluation of author compliance and reaction to prompting. Choosing one
guideline makes the task less daunting  and harder to ignore or dismiss for
the developer, also we are choosing meaningful Alt-text because it is an
area where there is no wiggle room: it is essential.  When we publish our
guidelines we will include a short list of other guidelines in far less

Jan has posted the trail guideline at:
please review it in detail and send your comments to the list so we can
finalize  the document in the next few days.


Received on Thursday, 21 May 1998 10:38:00 UTC