AU conferecne call at WWW7

We have scheduled an AU  conference call to occur 8:00am Saturday
morning Australia time, or 6:00 pm Friday evening EST.

Unfortunately I have not been able to access my email  box remotely
since Thursday of last week because it is too big. Could those of you
who are able to join us by phone for the conference call post a
confirmation to the au list.  I will post the phone number to call  (it
will be a Boston number) to the list well before the call. Please send
your confirmations prior to noon Friday EST.

Thanks and we hope you can join us virtually here in Australia. The
conference is going well, there is a large turnout for all the WAI
events, and some fairly lively debates. The weather however has been
either 90 degrees with 95% humidity or raining.


Received on Thursday, 16 April 1998 19:27:40 UTC