Re: Request for contribution of arabic translation

Dear Mehdi Bouayaben,

Thank you for reaching us. Can you please clarify if the document you 
intend to translate is the recently published WCAG 2.2:

Regarding the translation process, W3C encourages both (a) Volunteer 
Translation and (b) Authorized Translation.

(a) Volunteer translations in various languages play an important role 
in allowing W3C technologies to reach wider audience around the world. 
Those translations are contributed by volunteers and are not endorsed by 
W3C. Detailed steps for developing such translations are described in:

(b) Authorized translations, going through formal review process, are 
endorsed by W3C and can be used for official purposes in languages other 
than English. To develop an Authorized Translation, an organization must 
apply for becoming the Lead Translation Organization, and coordinate 
relevant stakeholders and the public to review the translation before 
it's formally published. Detailed steps can be found at:

Could you let me know about your interest, e.g., which kind of 
translation that you intend to contribute? I'm happy to explain more as 

Xueyuan Jia, W3C MarComm Team

On 11/15/23 1:02 AM, Mehdi Bouayaben wrote:
> Hi there,
> I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to inquire about 
> contributing to the translation efforts for the "Web Content 
> Accessibility Guidelines" through W3C. As a designer specialist in 
> user experience from an Arabic country, I'm interested in beginning 
> the translation process.
> Unfortunately, I found the "How to Participate in Translation" page to 
> be confusing and overwhelming ( cognitive overload). As a result, I'm 
> writing this email to request guidance on the translation process.
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2023 15:04:22 UTC