Re: [cat] Intention of translation

Dear colleagues,

just a small correction in the detail of FESOCA:

trough the sign language Catalan (LSC) and through services of live or video interpretation.

should be:

…through Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and through live or video interpreting services.

So, finally their description will be:

Federació de Persones Sordes de Catalunya (FESOCA) [14]: The
Federation of Deaf Persons of Catalonia (FESOCA) is a non-profit
governmental organization founded in 1979, declared a public utility
in 2006, which represents the affiliated associations of deaf people
and the whole Catalan deaf community.  It looks after the defense of
the linguistic, cultural and social rights of deaf people, and is
committed to making  information and communication truly and
effectively accessible  in public administrations and society, through
Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and through live or video interpreting services.

Mireia Ribera

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Received on Thursday, 20 October 2022 13:25:34 UTC