[LTO approved - step 2 to 3] Re: Intention to translate DWBP into brazilian portuguese (authorized W3C Translation)

Dear Beatriz,

On behalf of the W3C, I am happy to notify you, in your quality of LTO, 
to proceed with the preparation of a Candidate Authorized Translation of 
Data on the Web Best Practices (DWBP) (<https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/>) 
into Brazilian Portuguese.

We are entering step 3 of the policy for Authorized W3C Translations, in 
which the LTO develops a "Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT)" of the 
entire document (<https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html>). 
When complete, the LTO announces the CAT and its URI on the translators' 
mailing list (<w3c-translators@w3.org>).

Best regards,
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

On 23/08/2018 04:26, Beatriz Corrales wrote:
> Dear Xueyuan,
> Thanks for your answer.
> According to *step 1* of the policy for Authorized W3C Translations 
> (https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html), below is the list 
> of all the relevant stakeholders who will be partners in the review 
> process:
> *LTO: Nic.br/W3C Brazil Office*
> Beatriz Corrales
> http://www.nic.br/
> http://www.w3c.br/
>  *Government *
> Augusto Herrmann
> SETIC - Department of Information and Communication Technology of the 
> Ministry of Planning, Development and Management (Federal Government)
> http://www.planejamento.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/institucional/unidades/setic
> Fernanda Campagnucci
> SME / PMSP - Education Department (São Paulo Municipality Government)
> http://portal.sme.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/Main/Home/Index/
> Jarbas Lopes Cardoso Júnior
> CTI / MCTIC - Renato Archer Information Technology Center of the 
> Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications
> https://www.cti.gov.br/en
> Larissa Magalhães
> IJSN / SEP - Jones dos Santos Neves Institute of the State Secretariat 
> of Economy and Planning of Espírito Santo
> http://www.ijsn.es.gov.br/
> Nitai Bezerra da Silva
> SETIC / MP - Secretariat of Information and Communication Technology 
> of the Ministry of Planning, Development and Management (Federal 
> Government)
> http://www.planejamento.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/institucional/unidades/setic
> Renata Raposo Verissimo
> EMTU / SP - Metropolitan urban transport company of the State of São Paulo
> http://www.emtu.sp.gov.br/emtu/home/home.htm
> Thalita Carneiro Ary
> CGU - Office of the Comptroller General (Federal Government)
> http://www.cgu.gov.br/
> *Civil society organizations*
> Ana Paula Conte
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> Beatriz Rossi Corrales
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> Camille Moura
> Open Knowledge Brasil
> https://br.okfn.org/
> Caroline Burle
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> Ellen Aquino
> Instituto Tecnologia e Equidade (institute of research and 
> experimental projects to achieve equity with the ethical use of 
> technology)
> https://tecnologiaequidade.org.br/
> Flavio Kenji Yanai
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> Natália Mazotte
> Open Knowledge Brasil
> https://br.okfn.org/
> Newton Calegari
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> Vagner Diniz
> Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br (The Brazilian 
> Network Information Center - NIC.br)
> https://nic.br/
> *Academy/Educational institutions *
> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
> CIn / UFPE - Center for Informatics of the Federal University of 
> Pernambuco
> http://www2.cin.ufpe.br/en/
> Carlos Laufer
> DI / PUC-RJ - Informatics Department of the Pontifical Catholic 
> University of Rio de Janeiro
> http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/en/
> Daniel Schwabe
> DI / PUC-RJ - Informatics Department of the Pontifical Catholic 
> University of Rio de Janeiro
> http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/en/
> TECWEB / PUC-RJ - Director of the Laboratory of Web Applications 
> Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
> http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/blog/laboratorio/tecweb/
> Giancarlo Guizzardi
> DI / UFES - Informatics Department of the Federal University of 
> Espírito Santo
> http://www.informatica.ufes.br/en
> Ig Ibert Bittencourt
> IC / UFAL - Computation Institute of the Federal University of Alagoas
> http://www.ufal.edu.br/unidadeacademica/ic/institucional/
> Marcelo Yuri
> CIn / UFPE – Researcher at Center for Informatics of the Federal 
> University of Pernambuco
> http://www2.cin.ufpe.br/en/
> Seiji Isotani
> ICMC / USP – Mathematical and Computing Sciences Institute of the 
> University of São Paulo
> https://www.icmc.usp.br/en/
> *Private Sector *
> Thiago Rondon
> AppCívico - Tecnologias Cívicas (technology company that works 
> creating apllications)
> http://www.appcivico.com/
> Diego Rabatone Oliveira
> ASK-AR Analysis of Social Knowledge - Associated Researchers 
> (technology company focused on data-driven products)
> https://ask-ar.xyz/
> Ricardo Kenji
> Open data enthusiast programmer
> Former open government agents of São Paulo Municipality Government
> Works in a Big Data and machine learning startup
> Marco Aurelio Zanchi
> Open data enthusiast programmer
> Former open government agents of São Paulo Municipality Government
> Currently works as a freelancer
> All the organisations' members above have expressed their willingness 
> to review the translation and, as the three authors of the DWBP are 
> Brazilian, most of them were involved in the activities of the DWBP 
> working group. So we believe that thisgroup constitutes an appropriate 
> representative of the local community that works with data on the Web 
> and could properly be our partners in the review process.
> Best Regards,
> Beatriz
> Em 20/08/18 07:20, Xueyuan escreveu:
>> Dear Beatriz,
>> Many thanks for notifying us that the Brazil Office is willing to 
>> lead the DWBP authorized Brazilian Portuguese translation. Could you 
>> please provide the list of stakeholder organizations, following *step 
>> 1* of the policy for Authorized W3C Translations:
>> https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html#organizati
>> Sorry for the delayed reply...I thought I sent this email out already 
>> but actually I didn't...
>> Warm regards,
>> Xueyuan
>> On 02/08/2018 08:14, Beatriz Corrales wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> My name is Beatriz Corrales, from NIC.br, brazilian institution that 
>>> host W3C Brazil Office.
>>> According to the Policy for Authorized W3C Translations 
>>> (http://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html) we would like to 
>>> notice you our intention to make the authorized translation of DWBP 
>>> (http://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/) into Brazilian Portuguese Language 
>>> (authorized W3C translation)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Beatriz

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2018 12:54:52 UTC