Re: html 4.1

Dear Hossein,

Here are some comments (FWIW) on your intention to translate HTML4 spec. 
to persian:

- Did you read the to get in 
touch with W3C translations?
- IMHO, I don't know if HTML4.1 is still worth to translate. Currently 
it's HTML5 which is on the table.
- There is another volunteer for Persian translation of W3C documents. 

Best regards.


Hosein Malekzade wrote:

 > I'm working on a project that makes me study the whole html4
 > specification, so i thought may be i can translate it to my native
 > language too, which is Persian. i was wondering whats the requirement
 > to be  a w3c translator??!! Document Uri:
 > Hosein Malekzade.

Najib TOUNSI (tounsi at
W3C Office in Morocco (
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, BP. 765 Agdal-RABAT Morocco
Phone : +212 (0) 537 68 71 50  Fax : +212 (0) 537 77 88 53
Mobile: +212 (0) 661 22 00 30

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 13:56:25 UTC