Re: Translation of CSS tutorial

Hi, Andrew!

Your translation looked great!

But I noted that some of the translations of this tutorial are apparently 
being moved around/the links still are being processed as redirects or 
something (there may be nothing anyone can do about this for now):

Thus two of the links to this tutorial in its various translations now go to 
the it (Italian)
and the pt (Portuguese)
The Italian,

is now redirected to:

The Portuguese,

is now redirected to:

Maybe these will be fixed soon by the w3!

Don't know!

Also I liked best how Andrew handled the example, "My first styled page!"

(Clicking on any link in the original English example causes the followiong 
to display with a link to this tutorial:


See Starting with HTML + CSS. "

[which is this tutorial, and of course when you click on that link you get a 
mini-version of the page you are on (kind of like when I was a kid holding 
up a mirror to my face with a mirror behind me and seeing how many images I 
could view and if I could really see to infinity) in the little window; why 
do you have a link to it again here?
you are already there!  but this is a comment on the original page, not on 
the translations!]

Every translator seemed to handle this his/her own way, I guess:

The Polish tutorial does not change!  Which looks like the best way to do 
this sample to me!

The Spanish tutorial when you click on any of the links in the example gives 
you a "Sorry, page not found" message!

The translator of the French tutorial left all this page as in the  English, 

Take care!

--C. E. Whitehead
>hello everone,
>I've just finished the Polish translation of CSS
>tutorials (Catherine, I took your advice. The pages
>look much better now :-)thanx):

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Received on Sunday, 28 January 2007 22:40:05 UTC