Re: Chinese translation of "Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3"

Dear Chao Wang,

my apologies for the late reaction. I was on a trip and then on vacations...

I have added your translation to our official translation list. You can
see it listed, for example, on:


Chao Wang wrote:
> Hello w3c-translators,
> When I was learning the Semantic Web technologies and standards, I find
>  the article
> "Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3"
> (
> is very helpful. So I translated it into Chinese, hoping it would be
> helpful for Chinese Semantic Web & N3 beginners.
> The Chinese translation is at
> Regards,
> Chao Wang


Ivan Herman
W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Friday, 2 June 2006 14:56:08 UTC