Re: Polish translation of "Resource Description Framework (RDF):Concepts and Abstract Syntax


I have no idea what happened, I must admit. I looked through the mailing list
archives and I did not see your previous mail. Anyway, the important thing is
that it got through now!

I have added the RDF translation to our system, you can see it referred from,
eg, [1]. And, of course, welcome on the list of Polish translators, too![2]
Thanks very much for your contribution.

As for the the WSDL note: thanks in advance, go ahead!




andrew o wrote:
> Hi
> I sent an e-mail about my translation piece and didn't
> get any response. I'm not sure whether it got through
> or not, since I receieved an automatic system reponse
> that I might've messed up a bit :-).
> Could you ,please, let me know how the process works
> and, of course ,a bit about my translation. I'm not
> sure whether I fully complied with the copyright
> procedure.
> regards,
> andrew osobka
> --------Original message-----------------------
> hi
> I 've completed the translation of the "Resource
> Description Framework (RDF):Concepts and Abstract
> Syntax", which is located at
> The Polish version is available at:
> I would like to start my next project with your
> permission. It is "Discussion of Alternative Schema
> Languages and Type System Support in WSDL 2.0", which
> can be found at
> regards,
> andy
> __________________________________________________________
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Ivan Herman
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Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2005 06:55:29 UTC