RE: [REC-CHARMOD] Translation Complete

Richard Ishida 11/03/05 12:34 -0000:

>I'm getting a 406 message when trying to link to this page with
>anything but fr in my accept-language header, and the message "The
>server in unable to determine, from your browser, a prefered
>language for the requested document."
>The links in the error msg take me to a site map that doesn't get
>me any further forward.
>Please fix. Thanks, RI


There is nothin wrong with the site by itself; part of the problem
lies in the fact that I moved the site to a new hosting on 9 March.

Some users may still suffer from uncomplete propagation (24-48h) of
the new IP address in DNS system, and so reach the former host.

As a remedy, just flush your browser cache, and all should be back
to normal.

CharMod translation is well there:

Sorry for inconvenience,


Received on Friday, 11 March 2005 14:56:12 UTC