Re: Spanish Translation of DIWG Glossary


Thank you, Ivan, for your e-mails. Also thanks for your thoughts.

Ivan wrote:
>Great. The question then is (to you and Marta): should I link it as a 
>regular document
>like all the others, or put it on the front page as one of the Spanish 

What about including both? That is, a link as a regular document and a link 
as one of the Spanish glossaries... As I understand it, translations are 
meant to help disseminate W3C efforts and activities among non-English 
speakers, so... Just an idea (smile)

One thing: The Spanish translation for the updated version of the DIWG 
Glossary ( is under way (I 
will announce this in a separate email). At SIDAR, we intend to keep both 
Spanish translations of the DIWG Glossary online. These translations will be 
duly identified. Hope this will be OK for you.

Kind regards,

Marta Trejo

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ivan Herman" <>
To: "Rhys Lewis" <>
Cc: "Marta Isabel Trejo" <>; <>; 
<>; "Stephane Boyera" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of DIWG Glossary

Rhys Lewis wrote:
> Hello Ivan, thanks for your mail.
> The DI Glossary is an odd working draft. It is not a usual rec-track 
> document. We need to
> evolve it as we write our other rec-track documents, but it is not in a 
> state of flux. Indeed
 > its last revision was stable for over a year.
> We decided to keep it as a working draft so that we could update it in 
> line with new rec-track
 > documents appearing. We need our public working drafts to be able to 
refer to a public
> As we write new documents we may need to add new definitions to the 
> glossary. We have a well defined
> process for making sure that any updated definitions remain, so that older 
> documents are still valid,
> and that revisions are linked within the glossary so that people can see 
> how definitions have changed.
> By the way, if you can suggest a better W3C document type more appropriate 
> for a glossary, we'd be
> happy to consider using it.

I am not sure either... W3C Working Group Note maybe?

> So my main point is that this is not a regular working draft. It is not 
> changing rapidly, and new r
> evisions only appear in order to support publication of new rec-track 
> documents. Personally, I'd be
> comfortable to see it linked from the translations page.

Great. The question then is (to you and Marta): should I link it as a 
regular document
like all the others, or put it on the front page as one of the Spanish 


> Best wishes
> Rhys
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Herman []
> Sent: 23 February 2005 09:59
> To: Marta Isabel Trejo; Rhys Lewis
> Cc:;; Stephane Boyera
> Subject: Re: Spanish Translation of DIWG Glossary
> Marta and Rhys,
> as the maintainer of the Translations pages[1] of W3C...
> It is against our usual policy to put the translations of Working drafts 
> in the database
> that generate that page[1], so I would be uneasy to add this one, too. 
> (Working drafts
> have a short life span, after all...). I am also not sure that putting a 
> glossary there
> would be the right approach.
> If you look at [2], we list some of the glossaries that our close 
> 'friends' (translators,
> W3C Offices) prepare and maintain. It strikes me that would be a much more 
> appropriate
> place to put the link to, and would be more visible and useful for the 
> community (in this
> case the community of Spanish Translators). Would you agree with that? If 
> so, my question
> is to Marta: do yo think I should add this reference now (I am happy to do 
> it) or do you
> prefer to wait until the original evolves to its final version and you 
> update your
> translation?
> Thanks you
> Ivan
> [1]
> [2]
> Marta Isabel Trejo wrote:
>>This is to advise that the Spanish translation of the DIWG Glossary
>>dated 25 August 2003 is available at:
>>The original English version is available at:
>>Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
>>Kind regards,
>>Marta Trejo


Ivan Herman
W3C Communications Team, Head of Offices
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 20:15:05 UTC