Spaces in subjects (Was: Translations_WCAG_Overview_and_Navigating)

Hello Mauricio,

I am puzzled by your use of underscores "_" instead of spaces in the
subjects of your e-mails. Not only does it make the subject a little
difficult to read for people, it also certainly makes the task even 
more difficult for screen readers and search engine indexers.

Since one of the purposes of this list is to announce work in progress
on the translation of a document, and I expect that people will search
the list to see if a document has been or is being translated, I am
afraid that the format of your subject lines is doing you, and everyone,
a disservice.

Can you switch to a more "regular" format in the future?

Thank you very much,

Received on Friday, 1 April 2005 08:14:08 UTC