Re: Fwd: Translation of N3 Primer


I have a bad news for you: you are not the first one translating N3 ;-) Look at


where a Japanese translation is already listed...

So, seriously, of course there is no problem putting this on the official list. 
Just give me the final URI when it is available and I will add it to our database


Hans-Werner Heinzen wrote  on 15/03/2004 15:20:

> Sorry, 
> I got Your email address wrong 
> ("w3c-translator" instaed of "w3c-translators)".
> Hope, it works now.
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> Subject: Translation of N3 Primer
> Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:07:45 +0100
> From: Hans-Werner Heinzen <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Dear Sir,
> playing around with the representation of hierarchical structures in a
> database, I got a bit excited when, browsing the W3C site, I stumbled over
> N3.
> Mainly for learning reasons I started to translate Your "Primer: Getting into
> RDF & Semantic Web using N3" into german. Now that I finished this piece of
> work, I would like to publish it on my website which is
> Since the document is not a Technical Report, I ask for Your permission here.
> The publication will look like the attached HTML-file.
> There are other documents I'm interested in, so there may be some other
> translations to follow.
> Thanks for reading this,
> Yours sincerely
> Hans-Werner Heinzen
> ..........................................................
> Tel.+mobil: +49(0)911-2747410
> E-Mail:
> Internet:
> ..........................................................
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ivan Herman
W3C Head of Offices
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Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 09:51:07 UTC