[w3c-translators] <none>


I understand Leonel Morgado is the only portuguese translator (at least listed at http://www.w3.org/2003/03/Translations/Translators.html), so i would like to join the team and make something useful of my free time.

here's a bit of my professional background: 

started as a junior webdesigner in 1996, and ended up as porject manager (my current role). from 1996 to 2003 i've been working as webdesigner, senior webdesigner, project leader, founder of the quality assurance department and QA tester, account, writting proposals, translating technical document from spanish to english and portuguese and from portuguese to english.

If you wish i can anlso send you my full resumée 


I would like to start with the translations under "Interaction" and "Misc" but maybe you have more urgent docs i can help with.

best regards 

and wishing you accept my help 

Ligia Santos 


Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 14:03:08 UTC