(wrong string) Āl translation of Web Standards Switch

Hi Frank,

At 02:12 +0200 2003-06-03, Frank Karlstrˆ½m wrote:
>If it is not going to be placed on w3's server its not any problem 
>changing the links.
>Anyway, here's the link to the document:

I have put the document online. Thank you very much for the fast translation.

French - Denis Boudreau
Norwegian Bokmal - Frank Karlstrųm

Arab			Najib Tounsi
Brasilian (Portugueuse) Rodrigo Fonseca
Chinese			Yammie
Danish			Lars Ballieu Christensen
German			Stefan Schumacher / Thomas Reulbach
Portuguese		Marcelo Jacoud Amaral
Spanish			Maria Herranz
Swedish			Alexander Fellenius

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Monday, 2 June 2003 21:52:17 UTC