Re: Telugu Translation of HTML 4.01/ XHTML

At 15:39 02/02/05 +0530, Surya wrote:
>         I want to translate HTML4.0.1/xml  into my language. But How is it
>useful to others.

You are in the best position to know how much a translation for
your language is needed. This really depends on the language.

>What is the need for translation ?
>         How  Can I upload it to ur web like   etc.,

You can host your translation on whatever server you want.
We will link to it.

>         What are the steps to be followed in translation..

Well, usually it's a good idea to start with a list of
important words and their translations.

Regards,   Martin.

>         Pls help me ASAP...
>Thanks & Regards,
>B. Surendra Babu,
>HCL Infosystems Ltd,
>43/44, Thapar House, IIIrd Floor,
>Montiyeth Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008
>Dial Me : (044) 8553450, 8511293 (Extn: 112)
> > url :

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2002 02:24:47 UTC