[w3c-translators] <none>

Dir sir,

As you may know, my company is publising an Antenna House
XSL Formatter (that is XSL FO processor). And we plan to
hold the first XSL School (one day seminor) on June 6,
2001 in TOKYO, Japan.

We are now preparing tutorials mainly on XSL formatting
objects in Japanese for the seminor.

To explain on XSL in Japanese, we need Japanese translation
of the specification of "Extensible Stylesheet Language"
Candidate Reccomendation, published on 21 November 2000.

The XSL specification is too long to translate it wholly
into Japanese by ourself. But there seems to be no other
organizations or persons who are willing to translate the
specification into Japanese.

Is it OK to translate partially the XSL specification into
Japanese, and to refer to the translated material from our

May we summarize, in behalf of translation, the some part of
the XSL Specification that seems to us unimportant for
users of XSL Formatter?

I am awaiting your reply,

Tokushige Kobayashi
Antenna House, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 11:51:09 UTC