German translations

Dear W3C-staff, dear translators!

Together with the German W3C office I started a project to translate and
annotate all W3C recommendations. The German translations will be
published online (of course) and shall be published as printed books.
For this project I'm looking for people interested in translating and
annotating RECs. All information needed to participate is available at 

On the W3C site some German translations are listed as work-in-progress.
I would be happy if the translators who are still working on
translations could join our project! Please mail me, if you're working
on a translation.

BTW: Martin, you mentioned the spec-prod list. I just subscribed to this
list; thanx for this information. The maillist is not listed on 

Kind regards,



  Mintert Consulting - Building Future Directions

Received on Monday, 4 September 2000 16:36:54 UTC