Translating Non-Specifications (was: Re: "CSS1 Test Suite" in Japanese)

Hello Yoshito,

Many thanks for your continued translations efforts.

Please note that the copyright FAQ speaks about specifications
and that the CSS test suite is obviously not a specification.
Also, it is joint work by Case Western Reserve University (CWRU),
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and W3C.

I have therefore contacted the responsible people to check whether
they agree with the translation. In case they do not agree, I may
have to ask you to remove your translation. Of course, I hope I
do not have to do that, but I can't promise anything.

In the future, please announce that you plan a translation
before starting the actual work.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask (in English
or Japanese).

Regards,   Martin.

At 00/08/08 02:27 +0900, TERAMOTO Yoshito wrote:
>Dear Sirs,
>I have completed the Japanese translation of "CSS1 Test Suite"
>and would like to publish it at
>This notice is submitted according to "W3C IPR FAQ."
>Thank you very much.

Received on Monday, 7 August 2000 23:16:44 UTC