- From: Digitome Ltd. <digitome@iol.ie>
- Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 08:59:57 +0100
- To: w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org
>lee@sq.com wrote: >I submit this is so because the line between the app and language >is still murky. Or is it? I'm used to thinking in SGML terms >and object-oriented terms and in implementation, how those are or >aren't >the same. I'm not in XML. I'm not sure where the line divides. >I'm not sure what is portable application data semantics, >and what is data declared to ensure interoperation of ALL xml apps. > We need a RAST, an extended ESIS or a grove plan. If non of these are required then I need a holiday cos I have missed the boat at some point. Sean Sean Mc Grath sean@digitome.com Digitome Electronic Publishing http://www.digitome.com
Received on Monday, 26 May 1997 04:24:26 UTC