RE: SD5 - Namespaces - New Version 2

At 11:47 AM 05/23/97 -0700, Andrew Layman wrote:
>What happens?  Nothing special.  You have a long, strange name.
>However, I suspect that you mean to imply something that I miss.
>Frankly, I would prefer that colon were reserved to separate the
>namespace part of a name from the rest, but I gather this would be hard
>to fit into the confines of SGML.

Not really; SGML can easily be set to allow colon in names; in its current
state it just could not *validate* that you only use the colon that way.
But, it can't validate that you use semicolon on the end of entity
references or that you only use #PCDATA at the beginning of a content model,
either. Those are all XML conventions that restrict the range of SGML
alternatives that XML may also use.

Steven J. DeRose, Ph.D., Chief Scientist
Inso Electronic Publishing Solutions
   (formerly EBT)

Received on Friday, 23 May 1997 15:21:16 UTC