RE: Constraining discussion to technical matters

[Andrew Layman:]

| You were wondering who I meant by "customers."  I mean all the various
| potential users mentioned on

You are saying that all the *potential* users of metadata formats have
been coming to you with specific requirements?  I'm finding this a
little hard to visualize.

| I mean largely the groups such as the digital signatures initiative,
| the PICS labels people and the OCLC folks.

Now you seem to be saying that these requirements are actually coming
from a very small group of people.  Who are they, what are their
names, and in what way are they better qualified to determine the
information needs of the web than we are?  Have the two W3C groups you
mention provided you with requirements documents specifying the
features you claim they need?  If so, can we please see them?


Received on Friday, 23 May 1997 01:19:34 UTC