Re: Link-6: Addressing at the sub-element level

On Wed, 21 May 1997 14:05:36 -0400 (EDT) David Durand said:
>At 11:38 AM -0700 5/18/97, Tim Bray wrote:
>>A lot of people want to support addressing by char count, token
>>count, or regexp, within #PCDATA (or [danger, Will Robinson!] mixed)

<!-- lots of good stuff excised -->

>Maybe token counting (with an explicit list of delimiters) is actually
>the only safe thing.

I believe so.  And Martin Bryan has rightly pointed out that in
our initial character set decisions we bought into that already.

So:  yes, addressing within elements, by token count.

Do tags always / sometimes / never count as token boundaries?


Received on Thursday, 22 May 1997 19:34:27 UTC