Re: SD1 - Short End Tags [fmt]

> I would much rather have 8 versions of:
> > <author>
> > 	<firstname>foo</firstname>
> > 	<lastname>bar</lastname>
> > </author>
> than have each server alpha-rename the tags to different
> incomprehensible tags,

Another approach is to have a header,
 <field element="a" name="firstname">First Name</field>
 <field element="b" name="lastname">Last Name</field>
 <field element="c" name="author">Warpper for Author record</field>
 <field element="d" name="id">Unique ID for database key</field>

and so forth.

This maps conveniently into typesetting tables, and also into the
common variant of CSV files in which the first line lists the field names:
in which you can't actually distinguish the first line from the others
except by human understanding and inspection (ugh!).

I have added textual descriptions in the header; these could be omitted if
unavailable, with the possibility of making the "field" element EMPTY.


Received on Tuesday, 20 May 1997 14:03:43 UTC