Re: Information Week covers XML

In message <> Tim Bray writes:
> Once again, I can't find the direct URL for the article.  But if you to

I spent a happy 15 mins spooking round the site trying to find the story,
its full URL (rather than the URL of the site) and the source of the document.


It contains a 3-line example of XML which gets the <?XML ...?> line
correct but changes from the RCS to nested brackets (...) for tags.  In one
version under frames the DOCTYPE didn't display at all.  It also displayed
the first line as
I assume that round brackets were used to stop the browser trashing the
XML source.  The article said nice things, but the example itself didn't
look much like XML.

This highlights the need to get <![CDATA[ ... ]]> supported by browser
manufacturers :-)  Then we can display examples of anything we like.


> and search for "XML" in the search screen, you get the story. -Tim

Peter Murray-Rust, domestic net connection
Virtual School of Molecular Sciences

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 1997 08:39:09 UTC