Re: Link-2: Pseudo-elements

At 11:37 18/05/97 -0700, Tim Bray wrote:
>What does CHILD(N) mean in mixed content?

It should mean the n-th element (not element or pseudo-element).

>  Counting pseudo-elements
>is icky to start with, but with our shakiness as to white space in
>element content, it's even shakier.  James has suggested just
>bagging the whole pseudo-element handling thing.  Comments?

Pseudo-elements don't seem to me to buy you anything.

Either we have sub-element addressing or we don't.

- If we do, then we can just count/search all the data character children or
descendants of an element: pseudo-elements aren't essential.

- If we don't have sub-element addressing, what's the use of being able to
address a pseudo-element if you can't address inside it?

Either way pseudo-elements add nothing but confusion and complexity.


Received on Monday, 19 May 1997 00:32:39 UTC