Re: XDB 0.3 available (XMLized Docbook 3.0)

James Clark wrote:
| >is a DTD derived from DocBook 3.0 that I believe is valid XML.  Thanks
| >to Norbert Mikula for pointing out that the; parameter
| >entities, which are defined with the content "", are illegal per
| >XML-lang production 46.  The sole difference between XDB 0.3 and
| >XDB 0.2 (which I've removed) is the deletion of these parameter
| >entities and an updated copyright notice.
| I don't agree that these entities are illegal in XML.  Let's take an example:
| <!ENTITY % local.appendix.class "">
| <!ENTITY % appendix.class	"Appendix %local.appendix.class;">
| <!ELEMENT Article (ArtHeader, ToCchap?, LoT*, (%bookcomponent.content;),
| 		((%nav.class;) | (%appendix.class;) | Ackno)*) >
| Parameter entity references in the replacement text of an internal parameter
| entity are recognized and replaced when the entity is declared.  Thus the
| replacement text of appendix.class will be "Appendix ", which makes your
| reference just fine.

But local.appendix.class is still "" if not declared elsewhere, and its
declaration doesn't fulfill the %Name token requirement of production 63, 
if I read it correctly.  


  Terry Allen    Electronic Publishing Consultant    tallen[at]
    Davenport and DocBook:
          T.A. at Passage Systems:  terry.allen[at] 

Received on Monday, 5 May 1997 10:38:57 UTC