Re: XML FAQ: Answers needed

At 21:45 1997/05/03 +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
>I have a few outstanding queries for the FAQ on which I would appreciate 
>the advice of the group. These questions come from users' email to me
>(ie the phrasing is theirs, not mine, so I am unable to clarify any
>further what they are saying). My comments are in [brackets].
>f. I could find no mention of the NAMESTRT variable in the Goldfarb SGML 
>   Handbook. What does this do as opposed to the LCNMSTRT and UCNMSTRT 
>   variables in the SGMLDECL?

The Technical Corregendum of 3 Dec 1996 to ISO/IEC 8879:1986 includes an 
optional extension of SGML, known as the "Extended Naming Rules". The 
effect of this extension adds NAMESTRT and NAMECHAR in production [189], 
and additional new productions [189.1] and [189.2]. When this option is 
enabled, the minimum literals in productions 171 and 200 must be modified 
to read "ISO 8879:1986(ERN)". See Technical Corrigendum 3 Dec 1996 for the 
new annex J (normative) Extended Naming Rules.
NAMESTRT and NAMECHAR in naming rules, [189] allow uncased letters for 
languages that have them to be assigned both to the LC and associated UC 
forms when used in productions [52] name character and [53] name start
character. These are appropriate for XML as ISO 10646 supports such

See for details:

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Saturday, 3 May 1997 23:42:12 UTC