Version numbers: "XML 1.0" [was: Update on namespaces]

David G. Durand wrote:
> But none of that would be a candidate for XML 1.0.

Every time I see "XML 1.0" I think: 1.0 as opposed to what?
Is there some expectation of XML 1.1? 2.0?

What features are being put off 'till later?

What are the rules for dealing with version numbers other
than 1.0?

If the XML lanugage is going to evolve, we have to plan for
it. Experience with HTML and HTTP shows that alone, if nothing

The discussion of version numbers in the XML spec[1] should
either be expanded to discuss the issue of deployment of new
versions or removed altogether.


Dan Connolly, Architecture Domain Lead

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 1997 16:25:46 UTC