Re: Associating stylesheets with documents

[Lee Quin:]

| Jon Bosak wrote:
| > [...] A stylesheet [may be] associated with an XML document by
| > inserting into the prolog of the document a processing instruction of
| > the form
| > 
| >    <?XML-stylesheet type="text/dsssl" href="duckbook.dsl"?>
| Some quick comments:
| (1) I assume it can also go in the DTD?

I believe that the DTD is considered part of the prolog.

| (2) It would be very useful to allow a TITLE attribute, so that a user

The proposal does include a TITLE attribute.

| (3) Are the type and href keywords case sensitive?

I was assuming that they are not.


Received on Tuesday, 17 June 1997 16:42:15 UTC