Re: New discussions

[Sean Mc Grath:]

| Does "crawler services" feature anywhere on the list of things to be
| discussed soon?

Not soon, but it's on the list.

| I am thinking primarily about leveraging the descriptive tagging
| capability to make search engines more powerful.

This has occurred to a number of people and was the subject of
considerable discussion during the XML workshop at WWW6.

| Also, ff there was some acceptable classification system it could
| perhaps be implemented in terms of an AF. The problem here presumable
| is the classification system.

Right.  How to make it language-independent, for example.

| Anyone with librarian expertise out there?

During the workshop I pointed to three such systems that I have worked
with: the Dewey decimal system, the Library of Congress system, and
the numeric taxonomy of ideas developed by P. M. Roget in his famous
thesaurus.  I have hardly begun to think this one through, but I'm
already seeing that the library systems aren't suitable for Web
indexing.  Roget's is in the right neighborhood but still not
optimized for searching.

One thing that came through quite clearly from the workshop and from
subsequent discussions about stardardized lexicons (which could be
another way to do this) is that we are not ready to start discussing
the subject on this list.  I am deeply interested in
indexing/searching and consider it to be part of the long-term charter
for this group, but I would like to see any discussion of it take
place off the list for the time being.  We have more basic things to
deal with before we can bring this to the foreground of the XML


Received on Monday, 21 April 1997 19:07:34 UTC