- From: Gavin Nicol <gtn@eps.inso.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:26:54 -0400
- To: ricko@allette.com.au
- CC: w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org
>The PI rationale has been discussed before: if you require a >particular encoding for the PI, you are creating a non-text header. >You need special applications. Gavin's .MIM format would be far >superior than the Encoding PI for this. (I hope that people >writing storage/entity managers and file systems look at the >.MIM format.) I will be re-submitting this to the IETF, and to the W3C as a technical note within the next week or so. At the recent Unicode conference, there was a lot of discussion about this... I should note that one implementation problem that arises from the encoding PI is that once you start parsing the file to get the PI, you have to assume an encoding. If it turns out that the encoding you assumed is not correct, then you have to seek back to the beginnings of the input stream and restart using the encoding that the PI told you to use. This is generally not a large problem if you use a ring buffer, or some other form of buffered input, but this can force implementation choices that would otherwise not have been made.
Received on Thursday, 10 April 1997 09:28:20 UTC