Re: Call for agenda items for 06 Feb telecon

>OK, I'll send an agenda for a telecon, but I wouldn't object to 
>cancelling if you and Eric manage to sort this out amongst 
>yourselves before hand.

Fine with me, I'll take it up with Eric. I think others in the WG may 
have views on it, but we can do this by email, surely.

>Pat Hayes wrote:
>>>Any suggestions for agenda items for a telecon this week.
>>Two stylistic issues concerning the documents
>>1.. Normativity.  We might want to clear up this issue noticed by 
>>several people
>references please

Frank (referring to the Primer status):

>about which of the 5 documents are considered normative,
>>and how to explain clearly the difference in the boilerplate 
>>(hopefully so it makes sense: I'm certainly confused about it, for 
>>one. OK, so maybe the primer isnt normative and maybe test cases 
>>are never normative (?), but why is Vocabulary not normative?
>?? who said it isn't.  Its got normative references.

We did, last July
and reference there to

Cited in the change log of the Semantics document
(under 'changes since the 23 january ... , 2. Technical/editorial)

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Received on Thursday, 5 February 2004 16:17:11 UTC