Re: Call for agenda items for 06 Feb telecon


OK, I'll send an agenda for a telecon, but I wouldn't object to 
cancelling if you and Eric manage to sort this out amongst yourselves 
before hand.


Pat Hayes wrote:

>> Any suggestions for agenda items for a telecon this week.
> Two stylistic issues concerning the documents
> 1.. Normativity.  We might want to clear up this issue noticed by 
> several people 

references please

about which of the 5 documents are considered normative,
> and how to explain clearly the difference in the boilerplate (hopefully 
> so it makes sense: I'm certainly confused about it, for one. OK, so 
> maybe the primer isnt normative and maybe test cases are never normative 
> (?), but why is Vocabulary not normative?

?? who said it isn't.  Its got normative references.

  And if it isn't, why are its
> semantics normative? )
> 2. Change log style.  What is appropriate for a change log in the 
> publication document? (1) the full change log from day one or (2) the 
> change log since the most recently archived public release? I would vote 
> for the latter and beg permission to have the semantics doc brought up 
> to date in that regard by deleting a chunk of stuff from the change log.
> Pat

Received on Thursday, 5 February 2004 06:34:10 UTC