Re: RDFCore 24 Oct 2003 call CANCELLED Re: Call for agenda items - possible cancellation of this weeks telecon

* Graham Klyne <> [2003-10-23 23:00+0100]
> At 12:13 23/10/03 -0400, Dan Brickley wrote:
> >Hearing no proposals for a use for the time, and with JanG and Dave at
> >least cheering in the wings, I hereby cancel friday's RDFCore WG
> >telecon. Please spend the time in quiet contemplation of semweb logic
> >layering and/or start your weekends early...
> Me, I welcome the extra time, which I plan to use getting the initial test 
> cases running for my framework for incorporating datatypes into an RDF 
> inference process.  I'm nearly there!

Cool! Keep us posted :)


ps. the other thought re the timeslot was to have WG folks talk about
where they see RDF/SW going, life after REC, apps, outreach etc. Perhaps
another time...?

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 18:47:30 UTC