Action items in Re: Minutes of RDFcore telecon 2003-05-16

>PatH respond to Peter regarding pfps-08 resolution
>PatH respond to Peter regarding pfps-01 resolution
>PatH respond to Peter regarding pfps-03 resolution
>PatH [[[to be confirmed]]] respond to Peter regarding pfps-05 resolution


>PatH [[[to be confirmed]]] check for changes to Semantics in light 
>of timbl-03 decision

Done. I would suggest a small change to the text in section 3.2.3, as follows:

[The container vocabulary]" is intended for use typically in a 
context where a container is described using blank nodes to connect a 
'well-formed' sequence of items, each described by three triples of 
the form

_:c1 rdf:type rdf:List .
_:c1 rdf:first aaa .
_:c1 rdf:rest _:c2 . "


"is intended for use typically in a context where a container is 
described using blank nodes to connect a 'well-formed' sequence of 
items, each described by two triples of the form

_:c1 rdf:first aaa .
_:c1 rdf:rest _:c2 . "

and similarly excise the 'surplus' triples from the subsequent three 
examples in the text, so that they read:

_:c1 rdf:first <ex:aaa> .
_:c1 rdf:rest _:c2 .
_:c2 rdf:first <ex:bbb> .
_:c2 rdf:rest rdf:nil .

does not entail

_:c3 rdf:first <ex:bbb> .
_:c3 rdf:rest _:c4 .
_:c4 rdf:first <ex:aaa> .
_:c4 rdf:rest rdf:nil .

Also, RDF imposes no ' well-formedness ' conditions on the use of 
this  vocabulary, so that it is possible to write RDF graphs which 
assert  the existence of highly peculiar objects such as lists with 
forked  or non-list tails, or multiple heads:

_:666 rdf:first <ex:aaa> .
_:666 rdf:first <ex:bbb> .
_:666 rdf:rest <ex:ccc> .
_:666 rdf:rest rdf:nil . "


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Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2003 23:03:56 UTC