Minutes of telecon: 2003-07-18 (revised)

RDFCore teleconference:  2003-07-18

[Revised 2003-07-23 with corrected attendance/regrets.
The meeting content details are not changed.]

10:00:00 Fri Jul 18 2003 in America/New York duration 60 minutes + possible 
30 minute extension

which is equivalent to
15:00:00 Fri Jul 18 2003 in Europe/London

Phone: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)#7332
irc: irc.w3.org #rdfcore

Agenda:  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Jul/0229.html
IRC log: http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/rdfcore/2003-07-18.txt

Summary of decisions:

RESOLVED: close pfps-02 as proposed msg 2003Jul/0015
RESOLVED: close pfps-06 as proposed msg 2003Jul/0013
RESOLVED: create a postponed issue to define a layered sublangauge of RDFS
RESOLVED: approve tex-01
RESOLVED: approve horst-01
RESOLVED: approve xmlsch-02 with update noted

Summary of actions:

JJC   apply pfps-22/23 changes as agreed last week
JJC   remove normative references to RDFS URI
JJC   remove references to term "RDF core" in Concepts
BWM   create postponed issue to revisit support for internationalization in 
the triple structure
BWM   draft text for primer and work with Frank to integrate it
JJC   add warning to Concepts 3.4 to use XML if markup required
JanG  update test case language-and-xml-literal to be positive entailment
BWM   create postponed issue to define a layered sublanguage of RDFS
PatH  respond further to Pan concerning layered sublanguage postponed issue
JJC   Update xmlsch-02 manifest with additional test:entailmentRules
BWM   complete last-call dance for Semantics issues, liaising with PatH as 
DaveB Draft a conformance statement for an "RDF document"
BWM   Review Primer
DaveB Review Primer
BWM   Review Schema (after pending edits)
JJC   Run ARP against all syntax tests
DaveB Review semantics (after pending edits are applied)
DaveB Revise syntax doc to only references to other document status are in 
status and references sections


1: scribe: GK scribes

2: Roll Call

Present:  Brian McBride
           Dan Brickley
           Dan Connolly
           Dave Beckett
           Jan Grant
           Pat Hayes
           Graham Klyne
           Jeremy Carroll
           Frank Manola
           Patrick Stickler
           Mike Dean
           Jos De Roo

Regrets:  Eric Miller

3: Review Agenda

No changes.

4: Next telecon 24 Jul 2003 1000 Boston Time

Volunteer Scribe: danbri

5: Minutes of 11 Jul  2003 telecon


The minutes should show that Martin and Richard were present only for the
second hour of the telecon.

6: Confirm Status of Completed Actions

ACTION: 20030627#1 jang
to respond to webont on test cases with a

ACTION: 20030627#3 bwm
to get schema editor to reflect intensional subClassOf/subPropertyOf in 
schema spec.

ACTION: 20030627#7 DanC
to inform WebOnt of change to semantics of subClassOf/subPropertyOf.

ACTION: 20030627#11 jjc
to review syntax document at report back by july 4.

ACTION: 20030711#1 path
to respond to pan-01

ACTION: 20030711#2 bwm
to link to the new lBase document from the RDFCore page


7: Misc Actions
20030425#10  	em  	carry xmlsch WG's offer of help wrt xmlsch-12 to 
semantic web coordination group
20030711#4  	danc  	to get a test case for pfps-09 into OWL test case doc


8: pfps-22,23

We agreed changes last week.
Propose action jjc to apply the changes and respond to Peter.

ACTION: JJC apply pfps-22/23 changes as agreed last week

Also proposed to drop normative reference to RDFS URI in section 4.

ACTION: JJC remove normative references to RDFS URI

Also proposed to excise use of the term "RDF core" as noted by
Frank and discussed on mailing list:

ACTION: JJC remove references to term "RDF core" in Concepts

9: XML Literal

Suggested steps to address I18N concerns:

Also suggested adding text concenring use of extra markup to convey
language information in XML, in context of XHTML rather than more
generally in context of arbitrary XML.

(See also title example in 7.5 of RDF M&S)

ACTION: BWM  create postponed issue to revisit support for 
internationalization in the triple structure

ACTION: BWM  draft text for primer and work with Frank to integrate it

ACTION: JJC  add warning to Concepts 3.4 to use XML if markup required

ACTION: JanG update test case language-and-xml-literal to be positive 


10: Closing Semantics Comments
We have proposals to close:


RESOLVED:  close pfps-02 as proposed msg 2003Jul/0015

Note, the formal response should contain relevant text as the current
reference is to a document that may change, AND/OR include reference
to archive version of text.


RESOLVED:  close pfps-06 as proposed msg 2003Jul/0013

Jeff Pan's response on Pan-01

Jeff clarifies comment to be "please define layered subset".  Do we wish
to create this as a postponed issue or how else should we respond?

(qu-03 seems also living under this postponed issue for making a sublanguage)

RESOLVED: create a postponed issue to define a layered sublangauge of RDFS
(1 abstain)

ACTION: BWM  create postponed issue to define a layered sublanguage of RDFS

ACTION: PatH respond further to Pan concerning layered sublanguage 
postponed issue

11: Test cases

Propose approve

xmlsch-02 needs some clarification of entailment scope to deal with
xsd datatypes, for ill-formed literal test.

RESOLVED: approve tex-01
RESOLVED: approve horst-01
RESOLVED: approve xmlsch-02 with update noted

ACTION: JJC Update xmlsch-02 manifest with additional test:entailmentRules

12: Schedule

Completing the process on last call comments

ACTION: BWM  complete last-call dance for Semantics issues, liaising with 
PatH as needed

Do we need a second last call?

Discussion of document changes, some are arguably substantial:
See IRC log from 14:55:42 (at URI above)
DanC advises:  in order to not do another last call,
we'll need to convince The Director that the design we've got
(after all these changes) has been widely reviewed

Please draft PR request... use that as basis of last call decision

Do we need conformance statements?

ACTION: DaveB Draft a conformance statement for an "RDF document"

[Should this be "RDF/XML document"]

Status of documents and reviewing

20030627#11  	jjc  	to review syntax document at report back by july 4.

20030627#13  	path  	review concepts document.
20030627#12  	jang  	review concepts document.

ACTION: BWM   Review Primer

ACTION: DaveB Review Primer

Primer version to review:

ACTION: BWM   Review Schema (after pending edits)

ACTION: JJC   Run ARP against all syntax tests

ACTION: DaveB Review semantics (after pending edits are applied)

ACTION: DaveB Revise syntax doc to only references to other document status 
are in status and references sections

Document reviews to be complete by 2003-07-25

When will we be ready for the next step?

Aiming to be ready to make WG decision on next step by 2003-08-01

13: Responses to Owl comments


Not discussed

Meeting closed
swebscrape:N3:python: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/scripts/minutes2n3.py

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 14:57:18 UTC