Minutes of Telecon: 2003-07-11

swebscrape:N3:python: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/scripts/minutes2n3.py
date: 20030711
[scribe makes a plea for the agenda scraping tool to grok continuation
lines please]



Roll call:
  Dan Brickley
  Dan Connolley
  Jan Grant (scribe)
  Pat Hayes
  Graham Klyne
  Frank Manola
  Brian McBride (chair)
  Patrick Stickler
  Ralph Swick

From I18N:
  Martin Duerst
  Richard Ishida

Regrets received: Jeremy Carroll, Jos De Roo, Dave Beckett
Apologies: Mike Dean

Review agenda: some discussion prior to the arrival of the I18N group

Next telecon: 18 July 2003 10:00 Boston time
Scribe: tentatively GK.

Minutes of last meeting:
With addition, regrets received from Jos.

Confirm status of completed actions:
All ok.

Item 7: Miscellaneous actions.
20030627#1 jang: had fallen off the radar (since completed)
20030627#7 danc: also has been completed

Item 8: closing semantics comments

pan-01: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Jul/0016.html
Proposed (PatH) to close this issue with the amendment: to include
	pointer to concepts
Second: JanG; 0 abst, 0 against.
ACTION 20030711#1 path to respond to pan-01

pfps-02: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Jul/0015.html
ACTION 20030711#2 bwm to link to the new lBase document from the RDFCore page
We hold on this while awaiting XMLLiteral outcome.
In the meantime, PatH to return to PFPS with accurate citation of lBase

pfps04: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Jul/0012.html
Proposal (PatH) accept the comment, there were bugs in closure rules,
they have been fixed.
Second: DanC; 0 against, 0 abstain.
The issue is closed.
ACTION 20030711#3 path to respond to pfps and -comments wrt closure of pfps-04

pfps-09: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Jul/0011.html
path: I've run this past pfps, he's ok with it.
This is not observable in a test case without OWL machinery.
ACTION 20030711#4 danc to get a test case for pfps-09 into OWL test case doc
Prop: path second: danc - to close pfps-09 as above.
0 abst,0 agin, RESOLVED.
ACTION 20030711#7 path to respond to pfps and -comments wrt pfps-09

Item 9: pfps-22 pfps-23
pfps expresses continuing dissatisfaction with the text:

The WG had a long discussion on this. Eventually the following
amendments to concepts section 4 were proposed:

Revised para 1:
RDF uses URI references to identify resources and properties.  Certain
URI references are given specific meaning by RDF.  Specifically, URI
references with the following leading substrings are defined by the RDF

Revisions to para 4:
PatH suggested deleting "purely" since we do not wish to be

Item 11: Post last call comment from I18N
[the discussion was transcribed closely, salient points below]
Martin: users expect to take language-tagged literals and be able to
	add small amounts of markup without losing the language-

Martin: If plain text happens to be labeled as an XML Literal, those
	should not be completely different things.

Ralph: an initial goal of M&S was to be "XML friendly" - that is, the
	RDF serialisation shouldn't look too unusual to XML users.

PatS: how about if pt=L was a quoting mechanism, and the plain/DT
	distinction rested on the presence of a datatype attribute?

DanBri: I think the objection is that our usage is dramatically counter-
	intuitive to people who have learned about xml:lang in an XML

bwm in summary:
I've tabled discussion on this for the next SW coord meeting (this also
affects webont) what I'll say there is that we've not heard a
showstopper, but i18n are clearly not happy with the present situation

Martin concurred that this was a fair representation.

The meeting closed.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112 http://ioctl.org/jan/
On modesty: whoever said "it's hard being perfect" obviously wasn't me.

Received on Monday, 14 July 2003 08:02:06 UTC