Re: designating datatypes

>  >>>pat hayes said:
>>  Dave, you might be interested in a change Im proposing to the
>>  datatypes section in the semantics document, as follows, in response
>>  to a comment by Peter. It introduces the 'name' as an integral part
>>  of a datatype. This is a patch and if you can think of a better
>>  terminology and a pointer to a suitable spec I  would be delighted.
>>  3.4 Dattayped interpretations
>>  A datatype is an entity named by a uriref and characterized by a set
>>  of character strings called lexical forms and a mapping from that set
>>  to a set of values. (The built-in datatype rdf:XMLLiteral,
>If it is built-in, won't you have to say a bit more?

Its already been described in an earlier section (as part of RDF) at 
this point.

>   Maybe put this
>after defining what an (RDF) datatyped interpretation is.
>>  exceptionally, allows pairs in its lexical space.) Exactly how these
>>  sets and mapping are defined is a matter external to RDF.
>>  Formally, we will describe a datatype d as a 4-tuple consisting of
>>  1. A uriref called the name of d
>>  2. A set of character strings called the lexical space of d
>>  3. A set called the value space of d
>>  4. A mapping L2V(d) from the lexical space of d to the value space of
>>  d, called the lexical-to-value mapping of d
>>  ...
>So now you could say there is a built in datatype, and it is defined
>[HERE] or give pointers:
>1.  Name:           URI reference rdf:XMLLiteral
>2.  Lexical Space:  }
>3.  Value Space:    } See 
>4.  Mapping:        }
>If you follow that link you'll see the terminology is similiar, but
>concepts calls it the datatype URI not name.  Maybe we should stick
>to one term?  Datatype name?  Datatype URI?

I'm happy with datatype URI. But shouldn't it be URI Reference?


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Received on Monday, 24 February 2003 17:00:10 UTC