Fwd: Re: DAML Principal Investigators Meeting - Official Announcement

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>Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 17:19:34 -0500
>From: tim finin <finin@cs.umbc.edu>
>Organization: UMBC http://umbc.edu/
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>To: "'DAML-ALL'" <daml-all@daml.org>
>Subject: Re: DAML Principal Investigators Meeting - Official Announcement
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>The Semantic Web Illustrated (http://www.semaview.com/c/SW.html) is a
>well done poster conveying the basic SW concepts.  It was done by
>Semaview, a Toronto based company developing commercial products based
>on SW. technology.  They describe it as:
>   "Designed as a one minute overview of the Semantic Web, this
>   illustration discusses a half dozen key points in language that
>   can be understood by managers and techies alike."
>There's also one on "RDF vs. XML" (http://www.semaview.com/d/RDFvsXML.pdf)
>and more are promised, including posters on OWL, RSS, and FOAF.

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Received on Monday, 24 February 2003 16:21:36 UTC